What is Naruto?

Naruto is a Japanese manga and anime series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto. The series tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, an adolescent ninja who constantly searches for recognition from his peers and village. To do this, he must become the Hokage--the leader of his village.
Naruto was first published in 1999 in Shueisha's magazine Weekly Shonen Jump. Since then it has become one of Japan's most popular manga titles with over 100 million copies sold worldwide as well as spawning an animated TV show that aired from 2002-2007 (with another anime series airing since October 2014).

Plot Overview

In Naruto, you will follow the story of a young ninja named Naruto Uzumaki who is determined to become the Hokage--the leader of his village. Along the way, he meets new friends and faces dangerous enemies while learning important lessons about friendship, loyalty and courage.

Main Characters

Naruto Uzumaki

The main character of the series, Naruto is a young ninja from the Hidden Leaf Village. He has a knack for mischief and pranks, but he also has a strong sense of justice and will do anything to protect those he cares about. He's got an unusual power called "chakra", which allows him to perform amazing feats like walking on water or flying through the air!

Sasuke Uchiha

Sasuke is one of Naruto's closest friends from childhood--they were both raised by their fathers (who were once teammates), so they've known each other since they were kids. The two boys used to play together all the time until one day when something happened between them... They haven't spoken since then until now when Sasuke returns home after years away training with Orochimaru!






Hard work, and self-improvement.


Naruto is one of the most popular anime series in the world, with millions of fans across the globe. It has spawned multiple movies, video games and merchandise.
The show follows a young ninja named Naruto Uzumaki who wants to become the Hokage (leader) of his village by defeating all his rivals.

Naruto in Popular Culture

Naruto has become a cultural phenomenon, with its characters and themes appearing in various media. The series has been adapted into a series of manga, anime, soundtracks and video games.
The Naruto franchise has been praised for its unique character designs but criticized for using too much filler content.[5][6] The anime also received praise for its interesting plotline despite being predictable at times.[7]


The themes of Naruto are friendship, loyalty, courage and hard work. The main character is a young ninja who wants to become the strongest in his village. He has two friends that help him on his journey: Sasuke and Sakura.


Music is a big part of Naruto, and it's used to help set the mood for certain scenes. The series has a wide range of music from upbeat battle themes to more emotional pieces.


The manga series is published by Shueisha and has been adapted into an anime series, movies, and video games. The story arcs are often referred to as "chapters" in the English release of the manga when they are first published in Japan.

The series follows the adventures of a group of young ninja who must defend their village from an assortment of villains. While some characters do die during the course of the story, many do not; instead they are simply injured or incapacitated before returning later on (the most notable exception being Sasuke Uchiha).


Naruto is an incredibly popular anime series that has been enjoyed by millions of fans around the world. It's a story of friendship, loyalty, courage and self-improvement--and its characters and themes have become ingrained in popular culture.
If you're new to Naruto or just want to brush up on your knowledge before watching it again with friends or family members who haven't seen it yet, this guide will help get you up to speed on what makes this series so special.